Sunday, June 4, 2023

Ebn in Hawaii

Make What You Love!

Being a creator we/you should always make what you love, for a long time I struggled with this concept because I was first trying to make money and second I was concerned about what others thought, now as I have gotten older and have a little bit more experience I realize just how important it is to make what makes you happy, because your joy comes through in your work and makes for an excellent project.

 I can not believe we are already in June .in five months we will be celebrating the holidays and another year, I hope to spend this time with you sharing the things I love, and inviting you to accompany me in some of the workshops and other events planned.

 You know how you have an idea for years in your head and have a hard time getting it to work as you envision it, well I have one of those projects and plan on doing the first one in September, so follow or subscribe so you do not miss this one.

 Christmas in July will start my handmade Christmas, several projects are planned for this one-of-a-kind experience visit the website for more information.

Thanks for being here and enjoy your Monday.



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