Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sharing Sunday !!

Sharing Sunday,
Part 2 of Application
Last week we left off with completing the application. Now that you have the application and you have read it through, you now need to figure out what local permits you need, sometimes you will need more than the application if you have not registered   your business with  the Dept of Revenue for your state  speak to
an accountant to see what's best for you because whoever is the promoter for the event will have to turn in all vendors for tax purposes. 
Most applications are online now, the application will require at least four o five pictures of you and your products, make sure to follow the rules in regards to how your products are made. and if they can be made from a kit. This is your presentation so do your best in taking and staging your products, make sure that your pictures meet the resolution required this is important, you want the viewer to be able to see your products, this is the method used to decide if you will be accepted in the show.
Next week will be part 3 of the application process.
Have a good week,

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