Monday, February 22, 2021

Sharing Sunday Part 4

Sorry for not posting last week and being late this week. In the last blog, we talked about applying for the larger craft shows and what the application process is like. I think I hit most of the important parts, if you have a question, just ask. I know we are still in somewhat of a pandemic, we will get back to normal one day and I want all African American crafters to realize that you can use what skills you have to add to your income and to know that we all need more than one source of income, this is really important to know even if you do not do anything about it.

The price to be a vendor various from show to show I like 3-day shows or weekend shows, it takes a lot of planning to be included in a show, you have to anticipate how much inventory is needed for 3 days, you can not run out of inventory!!!. The fee will be somewhat high for some the fee will include the space size, tent if you do not have your own. or if your own does not fit the show requirements, table, (how many) chairs (how many) if you need electricity or Wi-FI.

Even though the price can start at 300 dollars and go up if you plan you can make your money back and make a profit. ( your money back is what you paid to do the show) Doing a 3-day show allows you the opportunity to make a good profit. Part 5 will still be on your Booth.

Have a good week,


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