Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Happy Wednesday !!

  Today is Wellness Wednesday here at Ebon Quilts. It is a  cloudy morning here in East Tennessee,  I am glad you stopped by, Do you have a wellness routine and are you willing to share? Perhaps we can get a conversation going and help each other I like to start my day with a little quiet time. and a few words of gratitude, It is always important for me to give thanks. After a few minutes, I have a cup of coffee with honey. Wellness means different things to each of us, all of us includes many of the same activity like being healthier, more active, less depressed, and more social. Let's make an effort to reach out to someone every day, especially if we think or are aware that they are alone. Your help is needed in developing this page. please help with suggestions and comments.

Have a great day,



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