Saturday, January 27, 2024

Creative Spaces

Creative spaces are spaces where you find solace to create freely. It can be a closet, corner, or any size as long as you can focus on the task at hand, If you can add color, plants, and other elements to this space it helps with the flow of ideas I live and work in a 106-year house that is filled with memories of the past and lots of love.

I have an oak tree right outside next to the road and in the summer she is mighty, I sometimes think she should be cut down, but in late fall when she starts to shed her leaves I love talking to her and watching the leaves all fall to the ground and become this glorious gold/red color that covers the ground like a quilt.

We are entering our second month of the new year and looking forward to all the ideas this special place has to share.

Enjoy your Day, 



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