Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wellness Wednesday # 6

The beauty of taking  care of your self and enjoying it . Wellness does not mean just good health of the body , but it includes the Mind and Soul. What we think about and what we talk about we bring into our lives, so it is important to try and think good thoughts all the time. As we get older we spend a lot of time alone and filling that time is sometimes very hard , because it is hard to plan time for one when you are use to 
planning for a family, we must force ourselves to do so, alone time is good , but It can be challenging for some.
When eating alone plan to set the table for one ,and use your best dishes , make your space beautiful for you and play soft music and enjoy this time with yourself, Work at planning time for your self and journal about it, I bet you can come up with other ideas .

 Please check out the website about the Alzheimer's ,
 It is free but I do need your help, 
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