Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Wellness Wednesday #15

Wellness Wednesday,
When you feel lost and hopeless,somethings to consider.
Self improvement can lead to specific changes that you
can make in your life.
Be honest with your self and be careful of  the lies you tell yourself.We all tell our selves stories  to help us cope.
Negative emotions can be just as POWERFUL as 
POSTIVE ones. When will "enough be enough" for you? When will you decide that you no longer want the 
negative in your life?Once you make that decision  everything will change.
Great questions lead to good answers, ask question about your life now and what needs to be changed,the
answer you come up with will lead to a better future.
Read a book, reading books dose not change your life in and of itself,but they can inspire you and expand your mind and open  your eyes to what's possible.

Subscribe  and have a great day,

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