Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wellness Wednesday #10

Well ness ! wow!  Self Care for sure. I hope you read last week's blog , and is finding the time to PAUSE for just a couple of seconds a day.
I have no words to explain what is going on in the world now  (Covid-19. ), I just have to Let Go and
Let God !
In our quest for self care one of the things we can do is journal about this time in our life.Be
grateful for all the Blessing we do have. One day we will look back at this time and we will want to remember what we  were thinking and feeling .Another thing we can do is to start to think about manifesting the kind of life we want ,it is never to late, and it is never to early it does require something from us ,and it starts with our thoughts, and what we focus on .
Lets focus on  positive thoughts every day and share them with each others ,.
I am grateful for this moment.
Be safe 

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