Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Growing Older !!

 I am getting older, and I am blessed to be about to make my 83rd trip around the sun, I  am so grateful when I wake up without any problems. What is this time supposed to be like, is it wrong to still have dreams and things you want to do?  I spend my days and nights playing with my abundance of fabric, occasionally I do make something, but I find I am getting in my own way and not letting my creativity flow like it wants to. Are there many other people with this challenge and how are they handling it?.
 I still have things that I want to accomplish, do I go with that in mind or do I go somewhere and just sit down Do you have any fears about the aging process?  # AARP#Wellness# Center for Elder American 
Mental Health.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wellness Wednesday

Take a moment to focus on your personal mindfulness and awareness. With so many distractions in the universe, it can be challenging to stay centered. However, it is crucial to prioritize ourselves and our well-being. By doing so, we can rejuvenate and improve our lives.

Remember to breathe in and breathe out!

Enjoy your day


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sharing and Shaping Our Heritage

 Good Morning.

 On this last Sunday Morning of Black History Month, I am filled with hope for the future again after an inspiring conversation with my son. I so love our conversations on Sunday mornings they always fuel me with excitement for the coming week for Ebon Quilts

We have some amazing things happening at Ebon, I hope you will check them out and join the journey. When you have had an idea for an online event for years and could never quite get it down in your mind and you finally decide to just go far and hope it turns out to be as good as you see it in your mind's eye

Quilters  Brunch is that idea for me join me for this new journey on March 16th. 10 AM Facebook Live Please RSVP  To Ebon Quilts. com

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Wellness Wednesday

Finding peace in the brain's mist of chatter is sometimes difficult to quiet.  To locate that sweet spot takes a little time for me, I have to do some breathing in and breathing out to get to a place where I can meditate for five to ten minutes for quiet time, There is such joy in that space, that it only lasts a few minutes. There is such power in the little things we often overlook, try creating a special place to have a cup of tea and share it with yourself, In that space place a vase with fresh flowers; a beautiful hand-made Napkin, and a lovely China cup/. there are some great-smelling candles nice if you purchase from a local small business.
# handmade# Health#Senior Citizen#exercise###good Eating

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wellness Wednesday

 Do what is best for you this week. Take steps to start new pathways in the areas of mindfulness and awareness with a focus on health, wealth, and learning. Invest in you, there is no better way to spend your precious time and energy this week. Look ahead and think about where you're going and what you want. Consider the things you want to do better or maybe different and focus on a couple of them that you can do Now that will move you closer to your goal,
 You will not regret it,
Have a great week, and Subscribe to the Blog. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Creative Spaces

Creative spaces are spaces where you find solace to create freely. It can be a closet, corner, or any size as long as you can focus on the task at hand, If you can add color, plants, and other elements to this space it helps with the flow of ideas I live and work in a 106-year house that is filled with memories of the past and lots of love.

I have an oak tree right outside next to the road and in the summer she is mighty, I sometimes think she should be cut down, but in late fall when she starts to shed her leaves I love talking to her and watching the leaves all fall to the ground and become this glorious gold/red color that covers the ground like a quilt.

We are entering our second month of the new year and looking forward to all the ideas this special place has to share.

Enjoy your Day, 



Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Wellness Wednesday

Forgive The Past !!

How do you do that when the past holds so much hurt?

You Breathe in and hold for a second and then let it out

Say to yourself I am letting you go now, there is no space in me for you.

I have allowed you to take too much precious time and to keep me in a state of 

wonder and anger. Today I will let the magic of wondering ring suprene in my world 

and carve out a new path without the thoughts of the past.

This day Give Thanks for All Blessing!


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Happy Wednesday !!

  Today is Wellness Wednesday here at Ebon Quilts. It is a  cloudy morning here in East Tennessee,  I am glad you stopped by, Do you have a wellness routine and are you willing to share? Perhaps we can get a conversation going and help each other I like to start my day with a little quiet time. and a few words of gratitude, It is always important for me to give thanks. After a few minutes, I have a cup of coffee with honey. Wellness means different things to each of us, all of us includes many of the same activity like being healthier, more active, less depressed, and more social. Let's make an effort to reach out to someone every day, especially if we think or are aware that they are alone. Your help is needed in developing this page. please help with suggestions and comments.

Have a great day,



Sunday, September 3, 2023

Happy Sunday !

 Hello everyone.

Hope your Sunday is off to a good start, We are on day 3 of September, and there are lots of things planned at ebon, In the next couple of days I will be adding more to things to do and ways to participate. 

One new event is the Monthly Ebon mystery box filled with lots of fun items. Our first Quilters Brunch is planned for  

January 2024, more details will follow. Want to learn to make Santa Claus you can purchase the workshop in the store.

Enjoy the rest of your day,


Friday, September 1, 2023

September- African Fabric Month

 Welcome September, lots to celebrate this month, and here at ebon we have a jam-packed month planned.

Mass-making kicks off this weekend, and workshops are all ready to go. looking forward to lots of fun.

 Follow all social media platforms to keep up with what's going on.

Celebrate African Fabric

Monday, August 7, 2023

Giving Thanks for another birthday and celebrating 82 years, and a report from one of your doctors saying we are good and I will take these numbers every day, makes you feel some kind of special.. I spent my day with a friend Shop Hopping, which was fun and had much fabric to look at and contemplate. Love and gifts from children and friends and  OMG what to do now?

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

I  began this week with a productive marathon of 10 x 10 blocks

to finish with an end block of 9 X 9 blocks. My goal is to work on 

several different blocks that will create a body of work that works

well with each other.'

It is kind of mix and match, the design is somewhat similar the

colors and materials and other elements are what make the design.

I love the process of creating these blocks with scraps and turning them into Ebon Essential Pouches.


Sunday, June 4, 2023

Ebn in Hawaii

Make What You Love!

Being a creator we/you should always make what you love, for a long time I struggled with this concept because I was first trying to make money and second I was concerned about what others thought, now as I have gotten older and have a little bit more experience I realize just how important it is to make what makes you happy, because your joy comes through in your work and makes for an excellent project.

 I can not believe we are already in June .in five months we will be celebrating the holidays and another year, I hope to spend this time with you sharing the things I love, and inviting you to accompany me in some of the workshops and other events planned.

 You know how you have an idea for years in your head and have a hard time getting it to work as you envision it, well I have one of those projects and plan on doing the first one in September, so follow or subscribe so you do not miss this one.

 Christmas in July will start my handmade Christmas, several projects are planned for this one-of-a-kind experience visit the website for more information.

Thanks for being here and enjoy your Monday.
